Tin City Metro Services
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Your journey to new heights begins when you order your metro travel cards and gain access to our detailed routes and schedules.
Order Card NowFinding your nearest bus stop or bus shouldn't be a hassle. That's why we've made it incredibly simple to locate the nearest bus stop to your location.
Find a Bus NowWe understand the importance of convenience when it comes to managing your travel card. we've got you covered with multiple convenient locations.
View Pickup/TopUp LocationsWhether you need assistance with our products or services, or if you have feedback or complaints, we're here to help.
Contact UsThe TinCity Metro Bus Initiative is an ambitious project addressing the transportation needs of Plateau urban centres with 15 units of modern MAN-Diesel buses to alleviate the high cost of intra-city transportation as palliative with cutting-edge amenities and an improved commuting experience like: